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Comparative Safety Testing (acute systemic toxicity in mice) of Two Materials Prepared from Polypropylene-Polyester (Codubix S) or Acrylate Resin (Mendec Cranio) Used for the Manufacturing of a Calvaria Prosthesis 

Research and development


Nr DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.1427

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The aim of the study was a comparison of the acute toxicity of two popular prostheses used in the reconstruction of the bones of the skull. For the tests, the following materials were used: a polypropylene-polyester knitted Codubix S cranial bone prosthesis, made by TRICOMED SA, and polymethyl methacrylate Mednec Cranio resin. The tests were carried out in accordance with the following standards – PN-EN ISO 10993-11:2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 11: Tests for systemic toxicity, and PN-EN ISO 10993-12:2012 Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 12: Sample preparation and reference materials. During the evaluation, adult male and female Balb/c mice were used. The animals were injected intravenously using  extracts of both materials in 0.9% NaCl and intraperitoneally with the same extracts in sesame oil. The tests lasted 7 days, during which the health of the animals and their behavior were assessed. Both in the control and test groups, there was no mortality of the animals, and the health and behaviour of mice were unchanged when compared with the normal. After 7 days the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity of the animals were subjected to macroscopic pathomorphological examination, during which no changes indicating the toxic action of Codubix S and Mednec Cranio resin were found. Before the acute systemic toxicity tests, the chemical purity of both implants was assessed. The chemical purity of a product is one of the factors determining its biological properties. A product which is characterised by a higher degree of chemical purity contains fewer substances which may have a negative impact on biological reactions. Both prostheses meet the requirements of  purity for medical devices.


cranial implant, cranioplasty, acute toxicity, chemical analysis, polypropylene-polyester, acrylate resin.


Sujka W, Latańska I, Stępnik M, Sitarek K, Kasprzak P. Comparative Safety Testing (Acute Systemic Toxicity in Mice) of Two Materials Prepared from Polypropylene-Polyester (Codubix S) or Acrylate Resin (Mendec Cranio) Used for the Manufacturing of a Calvaria Prosthesis. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2019; 27, 5(137): 82-88. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.1427

Published in issue no 5 (137) / 2019, pages 82–88.


in Eastern Europe
ul. Skłodowskiej-Curie 19/27,
90-570 Łódź, Poland
e-mail: infor@lit.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 19/27 M. Skłodowskiej-Curie Str., 90-570 Łódź, Poland e-mail: infor@lit.lukasiewicz.gov.pl; ftee@lit.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

Editor-in-Chief Dariusz Wawro, Head of Editorial Office Janusz Kazimierczak, Text Editor Geoffrey Large, Assistant Editor Anna WahlProduction Łukasiewicz-ŁIT
